
Contact us and give your pet a quality and long-lasting life.

Clinic in Alicante

Open from Monday to Friday (10am to 8pm)
Saturdays from (10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.)

Clinic in Campello

Open from Monday to Friday (10am to 8pm)
Saturdays from (10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.)

Contact Form

It is an honor to serve in a working-class neighborhood where every day we see the love that people dedicate to their most faithful colleagues. Our team is fully committed to trying to cover and make quality medicine accessible to each and every one of our patients from preventive medicine and with new health plans, which you will be able to enjoy shortly.

Zaira He is the owner of the clinic Felycan Alicante and Felycan Campello, and also has the invaluable help of Carla and María Dolores, the The clinic not only solves medical problems on a daily basis, but also helps and collaborates with different associations for animal welfare and protection within the legal limitations that prevent veterinarians from being a shelter or giving animals up for adoption. That is why they have the collaboration of various associations and protectors that duly fulfill this function.